TRACEY CHEN products are designed and manufactured by professionals according to strict standards.
We provide the following warranty services:
Free Warranty Period: Within one year from the date of purchase, if damage occurs due to normal use and is determined to be a quality issue, TRACEY CHEN will provide free repair. If the damage is not due to a quality issue, repair fees will be charged based on the situation. Consumers are responsible for any
related costs for jewelry restoration, including lost components or other damages.
Repairs After One Year: For products that are over one year old from the date of purchase and are sent in for repair due to natural wear, repair fees start at NT$800, with additional costs for gemstones, jade, and pearls. Depending on the frequency of wear, jewelry may require regular cleaning and gold plating, which will incur separate charges. The company reserves the right to determine whether to provide repair services.
Responsibility for Improper Use: TRACEY CHEN is not responsible for damages resulting from improper use or unauthorized modifications to the product.
Exclusions from Warranty: The following situations are not covered under the warranty:
Damage caused by carelessness, intentional harm, or other external forces.
Damage due to poor maintenance, such as dents or breaks.
Damage resulting from user alterations to the product.
*TRACEY CHEN reserves the right to interpret the above services.
Ondes animées
Fidèle à ce qui fait la distinction de la Maison, les parures À Fleur d'Eau, Gulfstream et Déferlante évoquent une mer tout en volume et mouvement, véritable ode à la vie.